Tips On How To Bowl Consistently

how to bowl consistently

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Bowlers of all levels often wonder how they can bowl more consistently. Many different techniques can improve your game, but it is important to find the ones that work best for you. 

This blog post will discuss some tips on bowl more consistently and achieving better results. 

We will also provide some helpful resources that you can use to improve your skills. 

Let’s get started!

One of the most important things to remember when trying to bowl more consistently is to keep your eye on the target. If you are not focused on the pins, it is very difficult to hit them. It is also important to have a good grip on the ball and use proper form. If you are not sure how to do these things, many resources are available that can help you.

Another interesting read: What Are Bowling Pins Made Of?

Top 10 Tips For Bowling Consistently 

The following tips will help you bowl more consistently.

  1. Concentration 

The first tip is to maintain complete concentration while you bowl. This means being aware of your surroundings and not letting anything else distract you. If you are not completely focused on the task at hand, you will not be able to bowl as well as you could.

There are a few things you can do to help improve your concentration. One is to practice visualization exercises before you bowl. This means picturing yourself making the perfect shot in your mind. Visualizing yourself doing this will help increase the chances of it happening when you are bowling.

Another thing that you can do to improve your concentration is to use a mantra or affirmation when you are bowling. This is something short and simple that you can say to yourself that will help keep you focused. For example, you could say, “I am the best bowler in the world” or “I can do this.” Repeating something like this to yourself will help keep your mind focused on what you are doing. 

If you can follow these tips, you should be able to improve your concentration and bowl more consistently.

  1. Practice: 

The best way to become a consistent bowler is to practice regularly. If you can, try to practice at least once a week. This will help you get a feel for the lanes and learn how to make adjustments when necessary. 

Another interesting read: What Weight Bowling Ball Should I Use?

  1. Develop A Routine: 

Once you’ve developed some consistency in your game, it’s important to develop a routine that works for you. This means finding a pre-shot routine that helps you focus and execute your shot consistently. This may mean taking a few deep breaths before each shot or listening to music before they bowl for some bowlers. Find what works for you and stick with it. 

  1. Shoulders Square To The Target

One of the most important aspects of bowling is to keep your shoulders square to the target. If your shoulders are not square, you will throw the ball inaccurately. There are a few ways to ensure that your shoulders are square to the target.

  • Practice Your Alignment In Front Of A Mirror

One way is to practice your alignment in front of a mirror. You can also ask a friend or family member to help you check your alignment. Another way is to use a laser pointer or other device that projects a straight line. You can position this to run through your shoulder and down the center of your back, making sure that it is perpendicular to the floor. This will help you ensure that your shoulders are square to the target.

Once you have your shoulders squared to the target, keeping them in that position throughout your entire bowling motion is important. If you let your shoulders rotate at any point, it will again throw off your accuracy.

  • Bowl Without Using Your Arms. 

One way to practice keeping your shoulders square is to bowl without using your arms. This may sound strange, but it can be quite effective. By not using your arms, you force yourself to use only your shoulder muscles to power the ball down the lane. This will help train those muscles to keep your shoulders square throughout the entire motion.

  • Use A Weightlifting Belt 

 Another way to keep your shoulders square is to use a weightlifting belt or other similar device. This will help hold your shoulders in place and prevent them from rotating during your bowling motion.

The important thing is to practice keeping your shoulders square to the target with whichever method you choose. This will help improve your accuracy and consistency when bowling.

Another interesting read: Bowling Ball Speeds

  1. Back Straight, Arm Straight, Follow Through

There is the basic mechanics of how to bowl. If your back is not straight, you will not be able to generate enough power to make the ball go where you want it to. If your arm is not straight, your accuracy will suffer, and the ball will not go where you want it to. Finally, if you do not follow through with your throw, accuracy and power will suffer again.

To ensure that you are bowling with a straight back, start by positioning yourself in front of the foul line – this is the line you cannot cross when throwing the ball. Next, place your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Then, pick up the ball and bring it back behind your head. When you are ready to throw the ball, explosively straighten your legs and snap your hips forward while simultaneously releasing the ball. Your back should remain straight throughout the entire motion.

To ensure that you are throwing with a straight arm, start by holding the ball in front of your chest. Next, take a step forward with your non-bowling arm and raise the ball behind your head. When you are ready to throw the ball, explosively extend your bowling arm forward while simultaneously releasing the ball. Your arm should remain straight throughout the entire motion.

  1. Knee Bent, Elbow Up, Wrist Firm

Your elbow should be up, and your wrist should be firm when you release the ball. If your elbow is not up, you will lose power and accuracy. If your wrist is not firm, you will lose power and accuracy again.

To ensure a bent knee, start by positioning yourself in front of the foul line with your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, bend at the waist and bring the ball behind your head. When you are ready to throw the ball, explosively straighten your legs while simultaneously releasing the ball. Your back should remain straight throughout the entire motion.

  1. Watch Your Ball Cross The Mark

This is a mental tip more than anything else. You want to make sure that you watch your ball cross the mark, as this will help you to know how much power and spin you are putting on the ball. If you do not watch your ball, you will not be able to adjust accordingly.

  1. Keep Your Eyes On The Target

Again, this is more of a mental tip than anything else. You want to make sure that you keep your eyes on the target, as this will help you ensure that you are throwing the ball where you want it to go. If you do not keep your eyes on the target, you will likely miss your mark.

Another interesting read: What Is The Pocket In Bowling?

  1. Release The Ball At The Right Time

This is perhaps the most important tip of all. You want to make sure that you release the ball at the right time, as this will determine your throw’s power and accuracy. If you release the ball too early, you will lose power. If you release the ball too late, you will lose accuracy. The key is finding the perfect balance between power and accuracy, which can only be done with practice.

  1. Slide Straight

The next step is to ensure that you are sliding straight. This means that your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your sliding foot should be on the line. If you are not sliding straight, you will likely lose power and accuracy.


These are just a few tips on how to bowl consistently. If you follow these tips, you should see a marked improvement in your game. Remember, practice makes perfect! So get out there and start practicing! Thanks for reading! Until next time, happy bowling! 

Another interesting read: What Constitutes A Foul In Bowling?

Picture of Shmulik Dorinbaum

Shmulik Dorinbaum

I play bowling almost daily, and on the days I'm not? I'm writing about my day and what I need to do to improve myself as a better bowling player.