Duckpin Bowling Vs. Candlepin Bowling: What Is The Difference?

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There are many different types of bowling, duckpin bowling vs candlepin bowling, and each one has its own unique set of rules and regulations. 

In this blog post, we will be discussing the differences between duckpin bowling and candlepin bowling. 

Duckpin bowling is a popular sport in the United States, while candlepin bowling is more prevalent in Canada and Australia. 

Let’s look at both sports to see which one is better!

What Is Duckpin Bowling And Candlepin Bowling?

Duckpin bowling is a game in which players roll balls down a lane towards ten pins. Candlepin bowling is a game where candlepin bowling players throw balls toward candles (pins) arranged in a triangle formation.

So, what is the difference between duckpin bowling and candlepin bowling? Duckpin bowling balls are smaller than those used in candlepin bowling, and they do not have finger holes. 

The pins in duckpin bowling are also shorter and thinner than candlepin bowling pins. Duckpin bowls generally have automatic pin-setting machinery, while candlepins are set by hand.

Candlepin Bowling was invented in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1880 by Justin White. Duckpin Bowling was created thirty years later by Willoughby Sherman in Baltimore, Maryland. Duckpin Bowling is popular in New England and the Mid-Atlantic states, while Candlepin Bowling is more prevalent in Canada.

The Differences Between The Two Types Of Bowling

Duckpin bowling is a variation of the sport that uses smaller balls and pins. The game is typically played on a smaller lane, making it more challenging. Duckpin bowling is prevalent in some regions of the United States but not as well known as candlepin bowling.

Traditionally referred to as “non-stop bowling,” candlepin bowling uses giant balls and pins in its games. Although any size lane can be used, a regulation-size lane is most commonly used. Duckpin bowling is more widely known than candlepin bowling and is played in many countries.

Duckpin bowling balls are smaller than candlepin bowling balls, and Duckpin pins are smaller than Candlepin pins. This makes Duckpin bowling more challenging than Candlepin bowling.

Another difference between the two types of bowling is the size of the lane. Duckpin lanes are typically smaller than Candlepin lanes. This makes Duckpin bowling more challenging as it is harder to get a strike.

In Duckpin bowling, each knocked-down pin counts as one point. The score is based on the number of pins knocked down in each frame in Candlepin bowling. The maximum score is 30 points.

Finally, Duckpin and CandlePin bowls differ in their popularity. Duckpin bowling is prevalent in some regions of the United States, but Candlepin bowling is more widely known and played in many parts of the world.

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Which One Is Better – Duckpin Or Candlepin Bowling?

Duckpin bowling is a game in which players roll a ball down a lane and attempt to score points by knocking over pins. On the other hand, Candlepin bowling is a game in which players also roll a ball down a lane and attempt to score points by knocking over pins. However, some critical differences between the two games take them unique.

For starters, duckpin bowling balls are smaller than candlepin bowling balls. Duckpin balls are typically not as smooth as candlepin balls, making them more difficult to challenge owling – while both games use ten pins, duckpin bowls typically have only eight pins. It is easier to score a strike in duckpin bowling but harder to achieve a spare.

Candlepin bowling also has some unique rules that Duckpin doesn’t have – for example, in Candlepin, if you knock down the headpin and any other pins behind it fall as well, they are all counted as knocked down. However, in Duckpin, only the pins directly hit by the ball are counted as knocked down.

So, which game is better? It depends on what you’re looking for. If you want a challenge and enjoy games with more unique rules, candlepin bowling may be right up your alley. But if you’re looking for a casual game with smaller balls and fewer pins, then duckpin bowling is probably a better choice. Whichever game you choose, you’re sure to have a good time!

Another interesting read: Do Bowling Balls Go Bad?

Duckpin Bowling Vs. Candlepin Bowling: What Is The Difference?

Duckpin bowling is a type of bowling played using smaller balls and pins. Candlepin bowling is a type of bowling played using larger balls and thinner pins.

So, what are the differences between duckpin bowling and candlepin bowling? Let’s take a look:

  • Duckpin Bowling Vs. Candlepin Bowling: What Is the Difference?- Duckpins are smaller than candlepins. – Duckpin bowling balls weigh between three and five pounds. – The Duckpin bowling pins are shorter and broader than candlepins.
  • In Candlepin Bowling, the balls are larger and have three finger holes. – Candlepin bowling balls weigh between two and four pounds. – The Candlepin bowling pins are thinner and taller than duckpins.

So, there you have it! These are the critical differences between duckpin bowling and candlepin bowling. Which type of bowling do you prefer?

Another interesting read: What Basic Equipment Is Needed For Bowling?

5 Tips You Cannot Ignore While Playing Duckpin And Candlepin Bowling

Playing Duckpin and Candlepin bowling is a fun way to spend your afternoon with friends or family. These games require more skill than traditional ten-pin bowling as you must master the technique for striking down the pins. However, there are often so many other players around that it can be quite hard to hit those elusive strikes and spares.

Here are some tips that will help you to achieve success at Duckpin and Dandlepin bowling.

Take Your Time

Don’t be afraid to take your time. It is always better to take a few seconds to aim and make sure you have lined up your shot correctly rather than launching the ball without thinking about it. If all goes wrong, you will still have time to take another shot.

Be Careful With The Pins

Keep your eyes on the pins at all times. The last thing you want to do is forget which pins are left standing after one of your balls has struck them down, leaving you trying to remember where they were and what order they were in when you released the next ball.

Prediction Really Helps

Try to predict how the ball will bounce. This is a difficult skill to master but if you can learn to do it, it will stand you in good stead when playing Duckpin and Candlepin bowling. Often, the ball will take an unexpected path so being able to anticipate this will help you to make the necessary adjustments.

Avoid Gutters

Stay away from the gutters. This is vital when playing duckpin and candlepin bowling due to the fast pace of these games, so always aim for the middle of the lane if possible.

Practice, Practice, And Practice

Practice makes perfect! Duckpin and Candlepin bowling can be quite competitive, and it is not uncommon for people to keep scoring. The only way to get better at these games is to practice as often as possible so that you can learn the techniques needed to succeed.

Do you have any other tips that can help players to improve their game when playing Duckpin and Candlepin bowling? Leave a comment below to let us know!


What is the difference between Duckpin Bowling and Candlepin Bowling? Duckpin bowling is like candlepin bowling, except for a few key differences. Duckpin bowling uses smaller balls, and you can only bowl three times per frame compared to four times.

Those are the main differences between Duckpin Bowling and Candlepin Bowling. If you’re looking for a fun new game to try out, why not give Duckpin Bowling a shot? It’s a lot of fun, and it’s sure to give your arm a workout!

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Picture of Shmulik Dorinbaum

Shmulik Dorinbaum

I play bowling almost daily, and on the days I'm not? I'm writing about my day and what I need to do to improve myself as a better bowling player.