What Is A Frame In Bowling?

what is a frame in bowling

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A frame is a group of pins knocked down by a single delivery in bowling. It’s crucial to understand what frames are and how they operate to comprehend how scoring works in this popular game.

A bowler’s single rotation is a “frame” in bowling. Each bowler receives two rolls in the other nine frames, except the tenth Frame. The bowler receives one extra roll for each strike or spare. If neither a strike nor a spare occurs in any particular frame, then no third additional roll is given.

The number of frames in each bowl determines its score. If you understand how many frames are in a bowl, you’ll be well to become a pro bowler.

Rules of play

The number of frames in a round of bowling is ten. A bowling ball may knock down as many pins as possible within each Frame.

In a game with multiple bowlers, each bowler bowls in the same order every time. A strike is awarded to a bowler who knocks down all ten pins with his first delivery.

A spare is when a bowler knocks down all the pins with only two balls. If the next ball is also a strike, then the bowler gets extra points. And If it isn’t a strike, then the bowler gets extra points for getting all of the pins down with only two balls.

If the bowler strikes all ten pins during the tenth Frame, they may utilize three balls. With this method, you might score up to 12 strikes and achieve a flawless game in a single game.


The handicap system will calculate team victories and losses for league standings and playoff seeding. Each player’s handicap will determine the weekly team total. The handicaps of players change as more games are added to their average.

The handicap is determined by subtracting the player’s average score from 200 and dividing by 80. To compute the tournament’s final scores, the handicap is added to each player’s actual score.

After that, the total for the week is adjusted to reflect the new sum, and the standings are updated.

What is a frame in bowling?

How are bowling points awarded?

Bowling is all about knocking down as many pins as possible in the shortest time possible. More pins score, more points knocked down.

In this case, a single game consists of ten “frames” or two seconds. Each Frame allows the player to attempt to knock down ten pins (except the final Frame).

You earn one point for each pin you knockdown, and you can obtain extra by striking “strikes” or “spares.”

In most modern bowling alleys, a computerized system automatically calculates the score for you. There were a few exceptions to this rule in the past when bowlers had to compute their scores manually.

Some bowlers like to keep track of their score on paper if their computer system goes down.

Strikes & Spares

The term “strike” refers to when you succeed in knocking down all ten pins in a single frame. You get a double when you score two hits back-to-back, three hits back-to-back is a Turkey, four hits back-to-back is an Eagle, etc. An “X” is commonly used to denote a strike.

The word “spare” comes from the phrase “to spare,” which means avoiding harm or loss. A spare occurs when you fail to knock down all ten pins in a single frame but successfully clear the remaining pins on your second try. The most frequent method to show a spare is with a “/.”

Strikes and spares are given a slightly higher score in these frames.


The first attempt at the next Frame is worth 10 points, plus the number of pins your knockdown.


The amount of points you get each time you hit a target is 10. The number of pins in the next frame is calculated by adding up all the pins from the previous frame.


If you can destroy all three pins, you earn 20 points. It’s the same in the second Frame as it was in the first.


In the first Frame, players earn 30 points. Scoring for doubles is identical in the second and third frames. The scoring in the third Frame is very similar to the strike.


  • Thirty points for the first Frame.
  • 30 points in the 2nd Frame.
  • 3rd Frame is the same as if a double was scored. 
  • Same scoring as for strike in 4th Frame.
What is a frame in bowling?

Game’s Scoring

Let’s look at “Jack’s” score sheet as an example.

1st Frame:

In the first Frame, Jack scored a strike and then damaged ten pins in the second Frame for 20 points.

2nd Frame:

Jack only gains 15 points for his second Frame because he has a spare and five pins down on his first try at the third Frame.

3rd Frame:

Jack beat the dealer’s spread with a spare, then hit seven pins on his first attempt at the fourth Frame for 17 points.

4th Frame:

Jack receives 9 points because he doesn’t receive a spare or a strike to round out his score.

5th Frame:

Jack scores 30 points after a turkey is scored.

6th Frame:

Jack then doubles, earning him 29 points (20 points plus the two frames’ worth of pins he knocked down).

7th Frame:

In the third Frame, Jack had a stroke and then knocked down nine pins for 19 points.

8th Frame:

Jack receives nine points since he doesn’t receive a spare or a strike to add to his score.

9th Frame:

Jack threw a spare on the next Frame and then knocked down nine pins on his first try for 10 points.

10th Frame:

There are no extra points available for strikes or removals in this Frame, but you get an additional chance.

On his first try, Jack manages to knock down nine pins on his own before making the spare. In the second round, he gets another opportunity and earns a strike for 20 points (for knocking down 20 pins during the entire Frame).

Unfortunately, he only scored 8 points from the charity stripe and two runner’s scores. Jack would have scored 9 points if he had missed that last shot. If he makes another hit and scores up to 20 points, he may take a free throw; if he sinks a third and final attempt, he may score up to 30 points.


Frames in bowling are important because they determine how many points you score. Strikes and spares are the most common ways to get points in a frame, but there are other ways too. Knowing all about frames will help you play better and understand the game’s scoring system. Now that you know all about what frames are, put your knowledge to use and bowl a strike!

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Picture of Shmulik Dorinbaum

Shmulik Dorinbaum

I play bowling almost daily, and on the days I'm not? I'm writing about my day and what I need to do to improve myself as a better bowling player.